Sectional doors
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
RSD01BIW Garage Sectional Door with Extension Spring Mechanism
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
Sectional garage doors made of steel sandwich panels with torsion mechanism RSD02
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
High-speed sectional doors made of aluminum sandwich panels with torsion mechanism ISD01-PARKING
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
Industrial sectional doors made of aluminum panoramic panels with torsion mechanism ISD02
Industrial sectional doors made of aluminum sandwich panels with torsion mechanism ISD03ALU
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
Industrial sectional doors made of steel sandwich panels with torsion mechanism ISD THERMALPRO
Industrial sectional doors made of steel sandwich panels with torsion mechanism ISD01
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
Garage door
Garage door
Set of beams for doors
Gate profile, universal, steel, unpainted, T-shaped
System of rollers and guides for cold-rolled beams 138x144x6 L=8000mm
System of rollers and guides for cold-rolled beams 71 × 60 × 3.5, L = 6,000 mm
System of rollers and guides for cold-rolled beams 95 × 88 × 5, L = 6,000 mm
Система роликов и направляющих для балки х/к 60х55х3 L=6000мм
Industrial folding, sliding and swing doors
Folding and sliding doors
Industrial folding gate with bottom guide IFG-LG series
Industrial folding gates without bottom guide IFG series
Industrial folding panoramic gates without bottom guide IFG-P series
Industrial sliding gates with bottom guide ISG-LG series
Industrial sliding gates without bottom guide ISG series
Swing doors
Swing garage doors made of panels with PIR filling, SG-SS series
Doors and gates for refrigerated rooms
Industrial swing door for refrigerated rooms, IDH1-1 series
Industrial swing door for refrigerated rooms, series IDH2-1
Single-leaf technological door FDH series
Sliding door for chambers with controlled gas environment RGS series
Sliding door for refrigerated rooms IDS series
Swing door filled with IPD series sandwich panels
Technological double-leaf door FD2H series
Ventilation valve for vegetable storages series VV
Vertical lifting door for refrigerated rooms IDV series
Roller shutters and roller doors
Counter Shutters of RHE58M Extruded Profile
Counter Shutters of RHS75, RHS75P Steel Profile
PREMIUM roller shutters for window openings (burglary resistant) from extruded profile RHE45
Roller shutters for window openings (burglary-resistant) made of extruded profile RHE45M
Roller shutters for window openings (energy-saving) made of foam-filled profile RH41N, RH45N
Roller shutters made of extruded lattice profile RHE78G with transparent inserts
Roller shutters made of perforated profile (partial light transmission) RH45PN
Showcase roller shutters (burglary-resistant) made of single-wall extruded profile RHE56M / RHE56GM
Showcase roller shutters (burglary-resistant) made of steel profile RHS52
Showcase roller shutters made of foam-filled profile RH58N
Showcase roller shutters made of perforated foam-filled profile RH58PN
Street and garage roller shutters made of foam-filled profile RH77M
Street and garage roller shutters made of single-wall extruded profile RHE84M / RHE84GM
Rolling doors made of steel profiles
Rolling gates made of steel profiles (burglar-resistant) RH117, RHS117P with a shaft electric drive
Rolling gates made of steel profiles (burglary-resistant) RHS117/08, RHS117P/08 with internal electric drive
Industrial equipment
Lifting curtain gates of the HD10, HD20, HD40 series
Lifting curtain gates of the HD10, HD20, HD40 series
Loading and unloading equipment
Cantilever type dock leveler with rotary lip, DLHHC series
Cushion sealer DSHC series
DSHINF series inflatable sealer
DSHRD Series Rigid Frame Sealer
DSHRN Series Folding Frame Sealer
External farm series FEH, FET
Fixed folding bridge (FTF), sliding bridge (FTS) (China)
Folding bridge stationary FTF, sliding bridge FTS
Leveler platform with retractable lip, DS series
Leveling platform with a retractable ramp, console type, DSMC series
Leveling platform with retractable lip DSM series
Leveling platform with rotating lip, DLHH series
Lift table with one pair of scissors, LT series
Lifting table with four pairs of scissors 4LT series
Lifting table with three pairs of scissors 3LT series
Lifting table with two pairs of scissors 2LT series
Light loading vestibule DHOUSL series
Mechanical leveler platform MODL series
Mechanical leveling platform "MINIDOK" MDLM series
Mobile ramp supported on the car body of the RMTS series
Mobile ramp with three-sided loading, 3SRM series
Mobile ramp with three-sided loading, 3SRM series (China)
Mobile ramp without support on the car body, RMFS series
MT Series Portable Bridge
Reloading vestibule of the standard DHOUS series
Short mobile ramp, RM series
PVC strip curtains
Film strip curtains FC series
Plastic swing doors SWD series
SSD series film swing doors
Пленочные маятниковые двери серии SSD (Китай)
Пленочные полосовые завесы серии FC (Китай)
High-speed folding gates SPEEDFOLD SDFB
High-speed folding gates of the SPEEDFOLD SDFB series (China)
High-speed folding gates SPEEDFOLD SDFB
High-speed folding gates SPEEDFOLD SDFS series
High-speed folding gates SPEEDFOLD SDFS series (China)
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDA series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDA series (China)
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDC series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDF series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDF series (China)
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDI series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDI series (China)
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDO series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDO series (China)
High speed spiral doors
HSSD Series High Speed Spiral Doors
Steel entrance doors
Domestic entrance doors
Household doors "ECO"
Household doors "OPTIM"
Household doors "PREMIUM"
Входные двери "Комфорт"
Входные двери "ЛамиСтайл"
Входные двери "Лидер"
Entrance doors "Ultra"
Garage doors "ULTRA"
Industrial entrance doors
Fireproof double doors
Fireproof single leaf doors
Technical double doors
Technical single-leaf doors
Fencing systems from welded mesh
Fencing sections from welded mesh
Fence sections made of welded mesh of the OPTIMA series
Заборные секции из сварной сетки серии «ОПТИМА ЛАЙТ»
Doors from welded mesh
Swing gates with a steel frame and filled with welded mesh
Откатные ворота со стальной рамой и с заполнением сварной сеткой
Entrance door from welded mesh
Калитка со стальной рамой и c заполнением сварной сеткой
Picket fencing sections
Штакетник М-профиль
Operators for domestic sectional doors
SECTIONAL-1200 operator for domestic sectional doors
SECTIONAL-1200PRO operator for domestic sectional doors
SECTIONAL-800PRO and SECTIONAL-1000PRO drives for domestic sectional doors
Operators for industrial sectional doors
Control units
Drive SHAFT-20 for domestic and industrial sectional doors
Drivers SHAFT-30 IP65 and SHAFT-60 IP65 for industrial sectional doors
Drives SHAFT-120 and SHAFT-200 for industrial sectional doors
Drives SHAFT-50 and SHAFT-150 for industrial sectional doors
Operator for industrial sectional doors SHAFT-60-1P-KIT
SHAFT-50PRO operator for industrial sectional doors
Operators for swing doors
Swing gates operators
Swing gates operators
Control units
Operators for sliding doors
Control units
Drives for industrial sliding gates SLIDING-3000-380V and SLIDING-5000
Drives for sliding gates SLIDING-1300PRO and SLIDING-2100PRO
Sliding door operators SLIDING-500PRO and SLIDING-800PRO
Sliding-500 and Sliding-800 Operators for Sliding Gates
Barrier-PRO Barrier
TOLL high-speed barrier
Antivandal barrier
Anti-vandal barrier BARRIER PROTECTOR PRO
Chain barriers
Chain barrier
Operators for windows
Window automation drive AWIN
Control devices
Security devices
Access control systems
The control unit
Hydraulic bollard BOLLARD-HB220
Automation for roller shutters
Control unit
CV-1 Rolling Shutter Control
CV-mini Rolling Shutter Control
GC2-GC-4 Rolling Shutter Group Controls
ROLL Single Shutter Control Unit
Roll1 and Roll2 Rolling Shutter Controls
Roller shutter control unit SmartRoll-2.0
SmartRoll Rolling Shutter Control Unit
Roller shutter operator SHAFT
RS Tubular Motor for Rolling Shutters
Single block container
Complete block-modular buildings with combined floor frames
Complete modular buildings with a common floor frame of up to four floors
Single block container
Комплект рам для сборки блок-модуля и зданий с совмещенным перекрытием
Комплект рам для сборки зданий с общим перекрытием
Каркасные здания
Frame buildings according to an individual project
Frame buildings of truss type with a flat roof
Frame buildings with a gable roof
Тентовые мобильные конструкции
Frame buildings, tent-mobile structures
House kit EFFECT
House kit EFFECT LIGHT 44
House kit EFFECT LIGHT 59
House kit EFFECT LIGHT 88
House kit EFFECT LIGHT 88-1
House series EFFECT LIGHT 29
Минеральная вата
Теплоизоляция для частного дома и квартиры
DOORHAN “LIGHT” mineral wool slab
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “LIGHT EXTRA”
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “UNIVERSAL”
Теплоизоляция для фасадов
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “FACADE OPTIMA”
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “FACADE”
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “VENT”
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Вент Оптима»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Фасад Универсал»
Теплоизоляция для плоских кровель
Mineral wool boards DoorHan "Ruf N Optima"
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Руф В Оптима»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Руф В Экстра»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Руф В»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Руф»
Теплоизоляция для сэндвич-панелей
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич Б»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич К»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич С Оптима»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич С Проф»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич С Стандарт»
Mineral wool boards DoorHan "Acoustic"
Mineral wool boards DoorHan "Flor Optima"
Mineral wool boards DoorHan "Flor"
Профилированный лист
Profiled sheet H153
Sandwich panels
Sandwich panels with a minimum board core
Кровельные сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из минеральной ваты
Стеновые сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из минеральной ваты
Sandwich panels from PIR
Кровельные сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из пенополиизоцианурата (PIR)
Стеновые сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из пенополиизоцианурата (PIR)
Sectional doors
Roller shutters and roller doors
Industrial equipment
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Sectional doors
Industrial folding, sliding and swing doors
Doors and gates for refrigerated rooms
Roller shutters and roller doors
Rolling doors made of steel profiles
Industrial equipment
Steel entrance doors
Fencing systems from welded mesh
Automation for roller shutters
Минеральная вата
Sandwich panels
Sectional garage doors
Garage Sectional Door with Torsion Spring
RSD01BIW Garage Sectional Door with Extension Spring Mechanism
RSD01BIW-SC Standard-Size Garage Sectional Doors with Extension Springs
RSD02-SLP Single-Skin Panel Door with Torsion Spring Mechanism
Sectional door RSD01 Hybrid Europe
Sectional garage doors made of steel sandwich panels with torsion mechanism RSD02
Sectional garage sectional doors with torsion mechanism RSD02 China
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
Industrial doors
High-speed sectional doors made of aluminum sandwich panels with torsion mechanism ISD01-PARKING
Industrial sectional door ISD01 China
Industrial sectional doors ISD ThermalPro China
Industrial sectional doors made of aluminum panels ISD03 China
Industrial sectional doors made of aluminum panoramic panels with torsion mechanism ISD02
Industrial sectional doors made of aluminum sandwich panels with torsion mechanism ISD03ALU
Industrial sectional doors made of single-layer panels ISD01-SLP China
Industrial sectional doors made of steel sandwich panels with torsion mechanism ISD THERMALPRO
Industrial sectional doors made of steel sandwich panels with torsion mechanism ISD01
Industrial sectional doors with panoramic glazing ISD02 China
ISD01 Industrial Sectional Doors
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
Garage door
Garage door
Set of beams for doors
Gate profile, universal, steel, unpainted, T-shaped
System of rollers and guides for cold-rolled beams 138x144x6 L=8000mm
System of rollers and guides for cold-rolled beams 71 × 60 × 3.5, L = 6,000 mm
System of rollers and guides for cold-rolled beams 95 × 88 × 5, L = 6,000 mm
Система роликов и направляющих для балки х/к 60х55х3 L=6000мм
Folding and sliding doors
Industrial folding gate with bottom guide IFG-LG series
Industrial folding gates without bottom guide IFG series
Industrial folding panoramic gates without bottom guide IFG-P series
Industrial sliding gates with bottom guide ISG-LG series
Industrial sliding gates without bottom guide ISG series
Swing doors
Swing garage doors made of panels with PIR filling, SG-SS series
Industrial swing door for refrigerated rooms, IDH1-1 series
Industrial swing door for refrigerated rooms, series IDH2-1
Single-leaf technological door FDH series
Sliding door for chambers with controlled gas environment RGS series
Sliding door for refrigerated rooms IDS series
Swing door filled with IPD series sandwich panels
Technological double-leaf door FD2H series
Ventilation valve for vegetable storages series VV
Vertical lifting door for refrigerated rooms IDV series
Counter Shutters of RHE58M Extruded Profile
Counter Shutters of RHS75, RHS75P Steel Profile
PREMIUM roller shutters for window openings (burglary resistant) from extruded profile RHE45
Roller shutters for window openings (burglary-resistant) made of extruded profile RHE45M
Roller shutters for window openings (energy-saving) made of foam-filled profile RH41N, RH45N
Roller shutters made of extruded lattice profile RHE78G with transparent inserts
Roller shutters made of perforated profile (partial light transmission) RH45PN
Showcase roller shutters (burglary-resistant) made of single-wall extruded profile RHE56M / RHE56GM
Showcase roller shutters (burglary-resistant) made of steel profile RHS52
Showcase roller shutters made of foam-filled profile RH58N
Showcase roller shutters made of perforated foam-filled profile RH58PN
Street and garage roller shutters made of foam-filled profile RH77M
Street and garage roller shutters made of single-wall extruded profile RHE84M / RHE84GM
Rolling gates made of steel profiles (burglar-resistant) RH117, RHS117P with a shaft electric drive
Rolling gates made of steel profiles (burglary-resistant) RHS117/08, RHS117P/08 with internal electric drive
Hangar doors
Lifting curtain gates of the HD10, HD20, HD40 series
Loading and unloading equipment
Cantilever type dock leveler with rotary lip, DLHHC series
Cushion sealer DSHC series
DSHINF series inflatable sealer
DSHRD Series Rigid Frame Sealer
DSHRN Series Folding Frame Sealer
External farm series FEH, FET
Fixed folding bridge (FTF), sliding bridge (FTS) (China)
Folding bridge stationary FTF, sliding bridge FTS
Leveler platform with retractable lip, DS series
Leveling platform with a retractable ramp, console type, DSMC series
Leveling platform with retractable lip DSM series
Leveling platform with rotating lip, DLHH series
Lift table with one pair of scissors, LT series
Lifting table with four pairs of scissors 4LT series
Lifting table with three pairs of scissors 3LT series
Lifting table with two pairs of scissors 2LT series
Light loading vestibule DHOUSL series
Mechanical leveler platform MODL series
Mechanical leveling platform "MINIDOK" MDLM series
Mobile ramp supported on the car body of the RMTS series
Mobile ramp with three-sided loading, 3SRM series
Mobile ramp with three-sided loading, 3SRM series (China)
Mobile ramp without support on the car body, RMFS series
MT Series Portable Bridge
Reloading vestibule of the standard DHOUS series
Short mobile ramp, RM series
PVC strip curtains
Film strip curtains FC series
Plastic swing doors SWD series
SSD series film swing doors
Пленочные маятниковые двери серии SSD (Китай)
Пленочные полосовые завесы серии FC (Китай)
High speed rolling doors
High-speed folding gates of the SPEEDFOLD SDFB series (China)
High-speed folding gates SPEEDFOLD SDFB
High-speed folding gates SPEEDFOLD SDFS series
High-speed folding gates SPEEDFOLD SDFS series (China)
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDA series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDA series (China)
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDC series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDF series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDF series (China)
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDI series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDI series (China)
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDO series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDO series (China)
High speed spiral doors
HSSD Series High Speed Spiral Doors
Domestic entrance doors
Household doors "ECO"
Household doors "OPTIM"
Household doors "PREMIUM"
Входные двери "Комфорт"
Входные двери "ЛамиСтайл"
Входные двери "Лидер"
Entrance doors "Ultra"
Garage doors "ULTRA"
Industrial entrance doors
Fireproof double doors
Fireproof single leaf doors
Technical double doors
Technical single-leaf doors
Fencing sections from welded mesh
Fence sections made of welded mesh of the OPTIMA series
Заборные секции из сварной сетки серии «ОПТИМА ЛАЙТ»
Doors from welded mesh
Swing gates with a steel frame and filled with welded mesh
Откатные ворота со стальной рамой и с заполнением сварной сеткой
Entrance door from welded mesh
Калитка со стальной рамой и c заполнением сварной сеткой
Picket fencing sections
Штакетник М-профиль
Operators for domestic sectional doors
SECTIONAL-1200 operator for domestic sectional doors
SECTIONAL-1200PRO operator for domestic sectional doors
SECTIONAL-800PRO and SECTIONAL-1000PRO drives for domestic sectional doors
Operators for industrial sectional doors
Control units
Drive SHAFT-20 for domestic and industrial sectional doors
Drivers SHAFT-30 IP65 and SHAFT-60 IP65 for industrial sectional doors
Drives SHAFT-120 and SHAFT-200 for industrial sectional doors
Drives SHAFT-50 and SHAFT-150 for industrial sectional doors
Operator for industrial sectional doors SHAFT-60-1P-KIT
SHAFT-50PRO operator for industrial sectional doors
Operators for swing doors
Swing gates operators
Swing gates operators
Control units
Operators for sliding doors
Control units
Drives for industrial sliding gates SLIDING-3000-380V and SLIDING-5000
Drives for sliding gates SLIDING-1300PRO and SLIDING-2100PRO
Sliding door operators SLIDING-500PRO and SLIDING-800PRO
Sliding-500 and Sliding-800 Operators for Sliding Gates
Barrier-PRO Barrier
TOLL high-speed barrier
Antivandal barrier
Anti-vandal barrier BARRIER PROTECTOR PRO
Chain barriers
Chain barrier
Operators for windows
Window automation drive AWIN
Control devices
Security devices
Access control systems
The control unit
Hydraulic bollard BOLLARD-HB220
Control unit
CV-1 Rolling Shutter Control
CV-mini Rolling Shutter Control
GC2-GC-4 Rolling Shutter Group Controls
ROLL Single Shutter Control Unit
Roll1 and Roll2 Rolling Shutter Controls
Roller shutter control unit SmartRoll-2.0
SmartRoll Rolling Shutter Control Unit
Roller shutter operator SHAFT
RS Tubular Motor for Rolling Shutters
Модульные конструкции
Complete block-modular buildings with combined floor frames
Complete modular buildings with a common floor frame of up to four floors
Single block container
Комплект рам для сборки блок-модуля и зданий с совмещенным перекрытием
Комплект рам для сборки зданий с общим перекрытием
Каркасные здания
Frame buildings according to an individual project
Frame buildings of truss type with a flat roof
Frame buildings with a gable roof
Тентовые мобильные конструкции
Frame buildings, tent-mobile structures
House kit EFFECT
House kit EFFECT LIGHT 44
House kit EFFECT LIGHT 59
House kit EFFECT LIGHT 88
House kit EFFECT LIGHT 88-1
House series EFFECT LIGHT 29
Теплоизоляция для частного дома и квартиры
DOORHAN “LIGHT” mineral wool slab
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “LIGHT EXTRA”
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “UNIVERSAL”
Теплоизоляция для фасадов
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “FACADE OPTIMA”
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “FACADE”
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “VENT”
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Вент Оптима»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Фасад Универсал»
Теплоизоляция для плоских кровель
Mineral wool boards DoorHan "Ruf N Optima"
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Руф В Оптима»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Руф В Экстра»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Руф В»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Руф»
Теплоизоляция для сэндвич-панелей
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич Б»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич К»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич С Оптима»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич С Проф»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич С Стандарт»
Mineral wool boards DoorHan "Acoustic"
Mineral wool boards DoorHan "Flor Optima"
Mineral wool boards DoorHan "Flor"
Профилированный лист
Profiled sheet H153
Sandwich panels with a minimum board core
Кровельные сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из минеральной ваты
Стеновые сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из минеральной ваты
Sandwich panels from PIR
Кровельные сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из пенополиизоцианурата (PIR)
Стеновые сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из пенополиизоцианурата (PIR)
Sectional doors
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
RSD01BIW Garage Sectional Door with Extension Spring Mechanism
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
Sectional garage doors made of steel sandwich panels with torsion mechanism RSD02
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
Гаражные секционные ворота из алюминиевых сэндвич-панелей с пружинами растяжения RSD01LUX
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
High-speed sectional doors made of aluminum sandwich panels with torsion mechanism ISD01-PARKING
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
Industrial sectional doors made of aluminum panoramic panels with torsion mechanism ISD02
Industrial sectional doors made of aluminum sandwich panels with torsion mechanism ISD03ALU
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
Industrial sectional doors made of steel sandwich panels with torsion mechanism ISD THERMALPRO
Industrial sectional doors made of steel sandwich panels with torsion mechanism ISD01
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
ISD02 Full-Vision Industrial Sectional Doors
Garage door
Garage door
Set of beams for doors
Gate profile, universal, steel, unpainted, T-shaped
System of rollers and guides for cold-rolled beams 138x144x6 L=8000mm
System of rollers and guides for cold-rolled beams 71 × 60 × 3.5, L = 6,000 mm
System of rollers and guides for cold-rolled beams 95 × 88 × 5, L = 6,000 mm
Система роликов и направляющих для балки х/к 60х55х3 L=6000мм
Industrial folding, sliding and swing doors
Folding and sliding doors
Industrial folding gate with bottom guide IFG-LG series
Industrial folding gates without bottom guide IFG series
Industrial folding panoramic gates without bottom guide IFG-P series
Industrial sliding gates with bottom guide ISG-LG series
Industrial sliding gates without bottom guide ISG series
Swing doors
Swing garage doors made of panels with PIR filling, SG-SS series
Doors and gates for refrigerated rooms
Industrial swing door for refrigerated rooms, IDH1-1 series
Industrial swing door for refrigerated rooms, series IDH2-1
Single-leaf technological door FDH series
Sliding door for chambers with controlled gas environment RGS series
Sliding door for refrigerated rooms IDS series
Swing door filled with IPD series sandwich panels
Technological double-leaf door FD2H series
Ventilation valve for vegetable storages series VV
Vertical lifting door for refrigerated rooms IDV series
Roller shutters and roller doors
Counter Shutters of RHE58M Extruded Profile
Counter Shutters of RHS75, RHS75P Steel Profile
PREMIUM roller shutters for window openings (burglary resistant) from extruded profile RHE45
Roller shutters for window openings (burglary-resistant) made of extruded profile RHE45M
Roller shutters for window openings (energy-saving) made of foam-filled profile RH41N, RH45N
Roller shutters made of extruded lattice profile RHE78G with transparent inserts
Roller shutters made of perforated profile (partial light transmission) RH45PN
Showcase roller shutters (burglary-resistant) made of single-wall extruded profile RHE56M / RHE56GM
Showcase roller shutters (burglary-resistant) made of steel profile RHS52
Showcase roller shutters made of foam-filled profile RH58N
Showcase roller shutters made of perforated foam-filled profile RH58PN
Street and garage roller shutters made of foam-filled profile RH77M
Street and garage roller shutters made of single-wall extruded profile RHE84M / RHE84GM
Rolling doors made of steel profiles
Rolling gates made of steel profiles (burglar-resistant) RH117, RHS117P with a shaft electric drive
Rolling gates made of steel profiles (burglary-resistant) RHS117/08, RHS117P/08 with internal electric drive
Industrial equipment
Lifting curtain gates of the HD10, HD20, HD40 series
Lifting curtain gates of the HD10, HD20, HD40 series
Loading and unloading equipment
Cantilever type dock leveler with rotary lip, DLHHC series
Cushion sealer DSHC series
DSHINF series inflatable sealer
DSHRD Series Rigid Frame Sealer
DSHRN Series Folding Frame Sealer
External farm series FEH, FET
Fixed folding bridge (FTF), sliding bridge (FTS) (China)
Folding bridge stationary FTF, sliding bridge FTS
Leveler platform with retractable lip, DS series
Leveling platform with a retractable ramp, console type, DSMC series
Leveling platform with retractable lip DSM series
Leveling platform with rotating lip, DLHH series
Lift table with one pair of scissors, LT series
Lifting table with four pairs of scissors 4LT series
Lifting table with three pairs of scissors 3LT series
Lifting table with two pairs of scissors 2LT series
Light loading vestibule DHOUSL series
Mechanical leveler platform MODL series
Mechanical leveling platform "MINIDOK" MDLM series
Mobile ramp supported on the car body of the RMTS series
Mobile ramp with three-sided loading, 3SRM series
Mobile ramp with three-sided loading, 3SRM series (China)
Mobile ramp without support on the car body, RMFS series
MT Series Portable Bridge
Reloading vestibule of the standard DHOUS series
Short mobile ramp, RM series
PVC strip curtains
Film strip curtains FC series
Plastic swing doors SWD series
SSD series film swing doors
Пленочные маятниковые двери серии SSD (Китай)
Пленочные полосовые завесы серии FC (Китай)
High-speed folding gates SPEEDFOLD SDFB
High-speed folding gates of the SPEEDFOLD SDFB series (China)
High-speed folding gates SPEEDFOLD SDFB
High-speed folding gates SPEEDFOLD SDFS series
High-speed folding gates SPEEDFOLD SDFS series (China)
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDA series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDA series (China)
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDC series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDF series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDF series (China)
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDI series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDI series (China)
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDO series
High-speed rolling gates of the SPEEDROLL SDO series (China)
High speed spiral doors
HSSD Series High Speed Spiral Doors
Steel entrance doors
Domestic entrance doors
Household doors "ECO"
Household doors "OPTIM"
Household doors "PREMIUM"
Входные двери "Комфорт"
Входные двери "ЛамиСтайл"
Входные двери "Лидер"
Entrance doors "Ultra"
Garage doors "ULTRA"
Industrial entrance doors
Fireproof double doors
Fireproof single leaf doors
Technical double doors
Technical single-leaf doors
Fencing systems from welded mesh
Fencing sections from welded mesh
Fence sections made of welded mesh of the OPTIMA series
Заборные секции из сварной сетки серии «ОПТИМА ЛАЙТ»
Doors from welded mesh
Swing gates with a steel frame and filled with welded mesh
Откатные ворота со стальной рамой и с заполнением сварной сеткой
Entrance door from welded mesh
Калитка со стальной рамой и c заполнением сварной сеткой
Picket fencing sections
Штакетник М-профиль
Operators for domestic sectional doors
SECTIONAL-1200 operator for domestic sectional doors
SECTIONAL-1200PRO operator for domestic sectional doors
SECTIONAL-800PRO and SECTIONAL-1000PRO drives for domestic sectional doors
Operators for industrial sectional doors
Control units
Drive SHAFT-20 for domestic and industrial sectional doors
Drivers SHAFT-30 IP65 and SHAFT-60 IP65 for industrial sectional doors
Drives SHAFT-120 and SHAFT-200 for industrial sectional doors
Drives SHAFT-50 and SHAFT-150 for industrial sectional doors
Operator for industrial sectional doors SHAFT-60-1P-KIT
SHAFT-50PRO operator for industrial sectional doors
Operators for swing doors
Swing gates operators
Swing gates operators
Control units
Operators for sliding doors
Control units
Drives for industrial sliding gates SLIDING-3000-380V and SLIDING-5000
Drives for sliding gates SLIDING-1300PRO and SLIDING-2100PRO
Sliding door operators SLIDING-500PRO and SLIDING-800PRO
Sliding-500 and Sliding-800 Operators for Sliding Gates
Barrier-PRO Barrier
TOLL high-speed barrier
Antivandal barrier
Anti-vandal barrier BARRIER PROTECTOR PRO
Chain barriers
Chain barrier
Operators for windows
Window automation drive AWIN
Control devices
Security devices
Access control systems
The control unit
Hydraulic bollard BOLLARD-HB220
Automation for roller shutters
Control unit
CV-1 Rolling Shutter Control
CV-mini Rolling Shutter Control
GC2-GC-4 Rolling Shutter Group Controls
ROLL Single Shutter Control Unit
Roll1 and Roll2 Rolling Shutter Controls
Roller shutter control unit SmartRoll-2.0
SmartRoll Rolling Shutter Control Unit
Roller shutter operator SHAFT
RS Tubular Motor for Rolling Shutters
Single block container
Complete block-modular buildings with combined floor frames
Complete modular buildings with a common floor frame of up to four floors
Single block container
Комплект рам для сборки блок-модуля и зданий с совмещенным перекрытием
Комплект рам для сборки зданий с общим перекрытием
Каркасные здания
Frame buildings according to an individual project
Frame buildings of truss type with a flat roof
Frame buildings with a gable roof
Тентовые мобильные конструкции
Frame buildings, tent-mobile structures
House kit EFFECT
House kit EFFECT LIGHT 44
House kit EFFECT LIGHT 59
House kit EFFECT LIGHT 88
House kit EFFECT LIGHT 88-1
House series EFFECT LIGHT 29
Минеральная вата
Теплоизоляция для частного дома и квартиры
DOORHAN “LIGHT” mineral wool slab
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “LIGHT EXTRA”
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “UNIVERSAL”
Теплоизоляция для фасадов
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “FACADE OPTIMA”
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “FACADE”
Mineral wool board DOORHAN “VENT”
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Вент Оптима»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Фасад Универсал»
Теплоизоляция для плоских кровель
Mineral wool boards DoorHan "Ruf N Optima"
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Руф В Оптима»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Руф В Экстра»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Руф В»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Руф»
Теплоизоляция для сэндвич-панелей
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич Б»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич К»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич С Оптима»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич С Проф»
Плита минераловатная DoorHan «Сэндвич С Стандарт»
Mineral wool boards DoorHan "Acoustic"
Mineral wool boards DoorHan "Flor Optima"
Mineral wool boards DoorHan "Flor"
Профилированный лист
Profiled sheet H153
Sandwich panels
Sandwich panels with a minimum board core
Кровельные сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из минеральной ваты
Стеновые сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из минеральной ваты
Sandwich panels from PIR
Кровельные сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из пенополиизоцианурата (PIR)
Стеновые сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из пенополиизоцианурата (PIR)
Sectional doors
Roller shutters and roller doors
Industrial equipment
Найти дилера
Концерн DoorHan
Buxoro viloyati, Buxoro shahar, Chorbaxossa MFY, Abu Ali ibn Sino ko'chasi, 87-uy
Номер телефона:
ЯТТ Шариббаев Абдулло Исматович
г. Наманган, ул. 8- марта дом 196
Номер телефона:
г. Ташкент , Мирзоулугбекский район, ул. Ялангач дом 8, кв. 2
Номер телефона:
Производственно-складской комплекс
г. Ташкент, Янгихаёт р-н, Файзли МФЙ, ул. Райхон, Н6-1003 стр.
Номер телефона: