1. Correct installation and correct operation of the fence system guarantee the reliability and durability of the work. When operating it is necessary:
1.1. Carry out an external inspection of the product every 6 months after the installation of the system.
1.2. При внешнем осмотре убедитесь в жесткости крепления сварных секций к несущему столбу, в отсутствии мест со слабыми соединениями, а также в отсутствии внешних механических повреждений.
1.2. When visually inspecting, make sure that the welded sections are fixed to the supporting column, that there are no places with weak connections, and that there are no external mechanical damages.
1.4. Door leaves should open and close the door smoothly, without jamming and creaking, and securely fixed with a locking device. If necessary, adjust the position using the adjusting elements, lubricate the hinges, handles and locking device.
1.5. Do not allow precipitation (water, snow, hail) to enter the column. To do this, make sure that all poles are closed with special plugs.
1.6. Operation of fences is allowed at an ambient temperature of -50 to +60 °C and a relative humidity of 75%.
2. During the operation of the fence, it is prohibited:
2.1. To hit the fence and cause damage to its structure.
2.2. Cleaning the fence with the substances that can cause damage to the surface of the fence.
2.3. Installation of equipment not provided by the manufacturer, which changes the weight, wind and other loads of the structural elements of the fence. Any interference with the manufacturer's standard solutions can lead to a loss of strength characteristics of the structure.
3. For the installation of security and video surveillance systems, it is necessary to use a structure specially designed for this purpose. Check with the manufacturer for the possibility of installing other equipment.
4. Security measures:
4.1. Installation of fences must be carried out by people who have fully studied the installation instructions.
4.2. Use tools which are in good condition.
4.3. When installing the sections of the fence before fixing them, be especially careful and careful, protect the elements of the sections from falling.
4.4. When performing work related to lift the person to a height of more than 1.5 m, it is necessary to use a safety mounting belt. Its condition must be checked before starting work.
5. During installation, it is prohibited:
5.1. Use an attached or sliding ladder.
5.2. Use a ladder with a height of more than 2.5 m.