
Стеновые сэндвич-панели с утеплителем из пенополиизоцианурата (PIR)

Wall sandwich panels are designed for mounting the walls of prefabricated buildings and structures with a load-bearing frame in the construction of industrial and warehouse complexes, residential and modular buildings, industrial refrigerators and freezers, agricultural buildings, food industry facilities, and are also used to insulate existing industrial and warehouse buildings and logistics complexes.
  • Medium and low temperature chambers of any format
  • Fruit and vegetable storage
  • Industrial and administrative buildings
  • Food industry enterprises
  • Buildings for agriculture
  • Warehouses
PIR-filler provides low thermal conductivity of the panels.
Compared to other building materials, PIR-filled sandwich panels are lightweight.
Panel combustibility class - G1 (do not spread flame, do not burn), fire resistance limit - up to EI45.
The service life of panels without loss of thermal insulation properties is about 50 years.
PIR insulation is not subject to self-destruction, mold and decay, and is not suitable as a habitat for rodents, insects and microorganisms.
The panels can be used both to maintain low temperatures in the southern latitudes, and to keep warm in the northern ones.
We offer 26 standard colors for painting panels, as well as any color according to the RAL card on an individual order.
Our own line for painting rolled steel makes it possible to apply various polymeric coatings to the metal and control the quality of materials for the production of sandwich panels at all stages of production.
PIR-filler provides low thermal conductivity of the panels.
Compared to other building materials, PIR-filled sandwich panels are lightweight.
Panel combustibility class - G1 (do not spread flame, do not burn), fire resistance limit - up to EI45.
The service life of panels without loss of thermal insulation properties is about 50 years.
PIR insulation is not subject to self-destruction, mold and decay, and is not suitable as a habitat for rodents, insects and microorganisms.
The panels can be used both to maintain low temperatures in the southern latitudes, and to keep warm in the northern ones.
We offer 26 standard colors for painting panels, as well as any color according to the RAL card on an individual order.
Our own line for painting rolled steel makes it possible to apply various polymeric coatings to the metal and control the quality of materials for the production of sandwich panels at all stages of production.
View of the profile and lock of sandwich panels.
View of the profile and lock of sandwich panels.
Smooth (G)
Smooth (G)
Trapeze (50/11)
Trapeze (50/11)
Trapeze (50/50)
Trapeze (50/50)
Z-lock "double tenon-groove" (Z3)
Z-lock "single tenon-groove" (Z5)
Smooth (G)
Smooth (G)
Trapeze (50/11)
Trapeze (50/11)
Trapeze (50/50)
Trapeze (50/50)
Board (D)
Board (D)
Wave (B25)
Wave (B25)
Z-lock "double tenon-groove" (Z2)
Technical description
Size Table
Standard Construction
Width, mm
1 000, 1 150
Length, mm
From 2,000 to 13,500 (on request to 16,000)
Thickness, mm
60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 150, 170, 200, 220
Width, mm
1 150
Length, mm
From 2,000 to 12,700
Thickness, mm
30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 170, 200

<b>Explanation of the name of building sandwich panels</b>

Explanation of the name of building sandwich panels

<b>Regulations for loading of sandwich panels into trucks and containers</b>

Regulations for loading of sandwich panels into trucks and containers

<b>Comparison of thermal characteristics of materials</b>

Comparison of thermal characteristics of materials

<b>Technical characteristics of wall sandwich panels</b>

Technical characteristics of wall sandwich panels

Parameter Value Notes
Масса цинкового покрытия, г/м² 100 60–275 g/m² on request
Толщина металла облицовок, мм 0,45 0.4-0.7 mm - on request
Плотность пенополиизоцианурата, кг/м³ 36–42
Коэффициент теплопроводности, Вт/(м·К) 0,022–0,023
Packing in stretch film Packaging features
Contents Packing of sandwich panels is carried out in transport packages packed with stretch film with foam sheets. See packing instructions
Description Transportation of transport packages with sandwich panels is carried out by road, rail or water transport. See packaging instructions for loading examples.
Technical Data and Certificates

Инструкция по упаковке сэндвич-панелей

Certificate of compliance with fire resistance limits

Certificate of conformity with the combustibility of materials

Certificate of Conformity TU

SEZ certificate

Certificate of compliance with fire resistance limits

Certificate of compliance with the combustibility of materials

Certificate of Conformity TU

SEZ certificate

The view of the profile and the lock of PIR Z2 sandwich panels

The view of the profile and the lock of PIR Z5 sandwich panels

The view of the profile and the lock of PIR Z3 sandwich panels

Warranty print

2. The durability of sandwich panels depends primarily on the corrosiveness of the environment in which they are operated. Accordingly, the durability of sandwich panels for normal industrial environments and standard surface finishes is 10 years.

View of the profile and lock of sandwich panels.
Smooth (G)
Smooth (G)
Trapeze (50/11)
Trapeze (50/11)
Trapeze (50/50)
Trapeze (50/50)
Z-lock "double tenon-groove" (Z3)
Z-lock "single tenon-groove" (Z5)
View of the profile and lock of sandwich panels.
Smooth (G)
Smooth (G)
Trapeze (50/11)
Trapeze (50/11)
Trapeze (50/50)
Trapeze (50/50)
Board (D)
Board (D)
Wave (B25)
Wave (B25)
Z-lock "double tenon-groove" (Z2)
Technical description
Size Table
Width, mm
1 000, 1 150
Length, mm
From 2,000 to 13,500 (on request to 16,000)
Thickness, mm
60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 150, 170, 200, 220
Width, mm
1 150
Length, mm
From 2,000 to 12,700
Thickness, mm
30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 170, 200
Standard Construction

<b>Explanation of the name of building sandwich panels</b>

Explanation of the name of building sandwich panels

<b>Regulations for loading of sandwich panels into trucks and containers</b>

Regulations for loading of sandwich panels into trucks and containers

<b>Comparison of thermal characteristics of materials</b>

Comparison of thermal characteristics of materials

<b>Technical characteristics of wall sandwich panels</b>

Technical characteristics of wall sandwich panels

Parameter Value Notes
Масса цинкового покрытия, г/м² 100 60–275 g/m² on request
Толщина металла облицовок, мм 0,45 0.4-0.7 mm - on request
Плотность пенополиизоцианурата, кг/м³ 36–42
Коэффициент теплопроводности, Вт/(м·К) 0,022–0,023
Packing in stretch film Packaging features
Contents Packing of sandwich panels is carried out in transport packages packed with stretch film with foam sheets. See packing instructions
Description Transportation of transport packages with sandwich panels is carried out by road, rail or water transport. See packaging instructions for loading examples.

2. The durability of sandwich panels depends primarily on the corrosiveness of the environment in which they are operated. Accordingly, the durability of sandwich panels for normal industrial environments and standard surface finishes is 10 years.


Инструкция по упаковке сэндвич-панелей

Technical Data and Certificates

Certificate of compliance with fire resistance limits

Certificate of conformity with the combustibility of materials

Certificate of Conformity TU

SEZ certificate

Certificate of compliance with fire resistance limits

Certificate of compliance with the combustibility of materials

Certificate of Conformity TU

SEZ certificate


The view of the profile and the lock of PIR Z2 sandwich panels

The view of the profile and the lock of PIR Z5 sandwich panels

The view of the profile and the lock of PIR Z3 sandwich panels

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